Caption: Tingle of Dust on Life

Clearer as the sky in a bright sunny day, without any blemishes; freely I roam across my heart, wondering the upbeat feelings I encountered along with the ones I embedded in my psyche, hoping them to confront reality in the near future. As if I am on a quest to find my conscience. “Will I affront it?”, or my mind will linger between the unravelling lines of some puzzle. Yeah, who knows? I bet that’s upon time to decide. The reason why I wander offshore the coast: might be an explanation, way too knotty to make someone else apprehend, preferentially for even me to draw sense out of it. A mystery, imbued by its complexity near impossible to wash away anyhow.

Though, sometimes I have this crazy idea that, I may, to some extent have deciphered it (the puzzle of life: What is it? What defines it? And why does it intrigue me or anyone with a piquant feeling per se, one that no drug on this world can pursue?); put along the pieces of the puzzle together and made out an exemplary: one that answers my curiosity, drives away my melancholy and at time embraces me with warm affection. A model perspective of what I could think of let along poured all my artistry I could to shape it to a chef d’oeuvre. I hereby put forward my résumé (my model).

“As exclusively, almost nothing exists solely; nature forged everything into pairs, pairs we (!), either living or non-living are compelled to lean to one another for support, comfort, love - in short existence. An existence so delicate, so fragile that we go beyond our ambit to keep hold of the bond we share with our other half. Everything existing in this world can be your ally, icon, fidelity and what not, all that matters is who you choose. ‘How you choose’, depends solely on you. A scoring advantage bestowed upon us by our creator (not referring to God; as per its definition, just a fictional character relative to which I am speaking) over non-livings; the power to choose among the many, of which the lifeless beings are been slacked off.”


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